Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jazzed Up Shrimp Cocktail

I wanted to do something different with shrimp for dinner. So I decided to make an old school favorite a little more fancy. I made the cocktail sauce thinner by using tomato juice. And obviously cooking for my boyfriend has carried over to what I make for just me, because I made this spicier than I usually do. And why, if I made this for just me did I put it in a martini glass? Because it looks pretty...

Jazzed Up Shrimp Cocktail
Shrimp, cooked and chilled
Avocado, cubed
Celery, cut on the bias
1 can tomato juice
2 T. horseradish
2 t. worchestershire sauce
Juice of 1 lemon
1 t. hot sauce
Mix together tomato juice, horseradish, wochestershire sauce, lemon juice and hot sauce. Add in shrimp, avocado and celery. Mix well. Chill slightly before serving.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it! The martini glass gives it an elegant flair. You could add some vodka and call this a Bloody Mary Shrimp Cocktail. :-)
