Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Baby's Birthday

Today is my boyfriend, Stephen's birthday. He had the day off, so I took the afternoon off too. First, I surprised him by taking him to get a massage, which he LOVED. Then we went to the gym together and I worked out with him. My abs are already sore, and we only worked out 6 hours ago... so I might be struggling tomorrow. Then we went to dinner and went back to my house for cake. I would say he had a pretty good birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Stephen! I will want to cook some of your recipes once I'm able to cook...which might not be until next semester, we'll see.

    Please send some pictures of the kiddos when you can. Mark tells me he can't afford a web cam because they are saving for their house!

    Love you and hope you're doing well. Let me know how your busy semester is going when you can :)
